The Mavic 2 Enterprise (M2E) is an incredibly versatile aircraft. From search-and-rescue to inspections, the Enterprise finds itself used in a variety of roles. One of those roles is mapping. Powerful photogrammetry software, like Pix4D, turn aircraft like the M2E into a rapid mapping platform for response and investigations. In this article, we look at Pix4D applications that make the Mavic 2 Enterprise a useful mapping solution.
Based on the popular Mavic 2, the M2E is tailor-made for enterprise use. A selection of specialized accessories, including a speaker, beacon, and spotlight, adapts the aircraft to a variety of mission profiles. The Enterprise Dual takes this specialization to a new level by providing a stabilized RGB and thermal camera payload. Dual sensors combine the capabilities of two aircraft into one—a flexible and economic solution for public safety agencies and organizations alike.
Photogrammetry software like Pix4D requires an RGB camera to build any kind of map. The Enterprise Dual's RGB camera does the job, making the model compatible with the iOS version of Pix4D software. To ensure compatibility, check Pix4D's complete list of supported drones here.
Pix4DReact is Pix4D's rapid mapping solution made specifically for public safety applications. First responders arriving at a large-scale incident need an aerial overview to make informed decisions. Enter Pix4Dreact. Using Pix4Dcapture, a Mavic 2 Enterprise automatically takes pictures while flying over the area of operations.
Pix4Dreact then processes those pictures on-site to create a 2D map. Commanders can annotate and measure points on the map and then share them with other decision-makers and ground teams. The entire process occurs rapidly, ensuring all responders have actionable intel before committing to a decision.
While Pix4DReact only renders 2D maps, Pix4Dmapper provides full-scaled 3D mapping capabilities. The data-capture process is the same for both, but Mapper requires longer off-site processing time. Images gathered in Pix4Dcapture import into Pix4Dmapper, which creates survey-grade 3D maps, including orthomosiac maps and digital surface models. Users can measure distance and volume in the maps, making any annotations on points-of-interests.
As a side note, Pix4Dmapper is capable of creating thermal maps. You will not be able to create any with the Mavic 2 Enterprise. The 3D mapping software is only compatible with the RGB camera and not the thermal camera.
Interested in knowing more about Pix4D or other drone mapping software? Check out our blog article comparing Pix4D and DroneDeploy. We look into the features and pricing of both software platforms, so you decide what the best mapping solution is for you.